International competition between the major powers the US-Russian relations model

Abstract in English

International relations have witnessed great changes after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the emergence of the United States pole sole controlled the fate of international relations, and the impact of these changes significant to the Russian Federation and the heir of the Soviet Union, as experienced international pressure continuing to encircle and isolate and control their own destiny, but it did not stand idle in front of this pressures, and was able, thanks to a set of political and economic variables and procedures for the Advancement again and restore its role as her weight in the world.

References used

(LaRouche, Jr., «And Now, a Year Later,» LaRouche in 2004: Special Report (February 2002
(W. Phillips Shively, Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science, 10thed (Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2007
