Narrative Elements In Biography books In the First Mamlukie Age

Abstract in English

Biography books are a branch of history that is concerned with scholars. In the first Mamlukie Age , these books combine historical investigation with critical and literary satisfaction including valuable prosed and poetic literary texts. These books contain the narrative elements, as the narrator, description, event, time and place as well as the main, mainer characters and dialogue , in addition to the good language related to the ability of every narrator and his linguistic education.

References used

بناءُ الرّوايةِ العربيّةِ السّوريّةِ: سمر روحي الفيصل، اتّحاد الكتّاب العرب، دمشق، 1995.
السّرديّة العربيّة: عبد الله إبراهيم، المركز الثّقافيّ العربيّ، بيروت، ط1, 1992.
الكلامُ والخبر: سعيد يقطين، المركزُ الثّقافيّ العربيّ، بيروت، ط1, 1997.
