Comparison between performance of TurboExpander and Joule-Thomson Valve in a proposed flare gas recovery system

Abstract in English

In this research a performance of TurboExpander and Joule- Thomson valve will be compared in a proposed system developed in order to recover flare gas in oil fields outstations which not connected to any gas plant and burns continually the entire associated gases in the flare, and reuses the mentioned gases in central process facilities as a fuel in gas turbines which use diesel (as they have dual system gas-diesel), while the associated gases in related outstations are burned.

References used

American Petroleum Institute (API). 2007 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems. API Recommended Practice 521, Fifth Edition, 108p
Azad.M, 2005 - Drying Of Natural Gas Using Low Temperatue Sepparation Design”. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 40p
CAMPBELL.J.M, 1992 - Gas Conditioning and Processing. Campbell Petroleum Series, 7th Ed, Norman, OK, 367p
