Prevailing Proverbs and Unsystematic Verses In Ibn Sinan al-Khafaji's Criticism

Abstract in English

In the light of the conceptual remarks that Ibn Sinan adopts as evaluative features of the quality of poetry, among which are the prevailing proverbs and unsystematic verses, we do discover the world of the poet with its psychological, intellectual and social horizons. This is so since they uncover the secrets of the intuitive character of the creator and its potential introvert features; and, at the same time, they stand as one part of his understandability of poetry. Poetry expresses emotions, and reflects a vision full of influential sentiments of the creator. So, what if the poet were a critic?

References used

ابن منظور ، لسان العرب، تحقيقٌ: عبدالله علي الكبير، محمد أحمد حسب الله، هاشم محمد الشاذلي ،ً دار المعارف، القاهرة.
مطلوب، د. أحمد، - معجم مصطلحات النّقد العرب القديم – عرب عرب . ، مكتبة لبنان، بيروت،ط1, 2001 م.
