Grammar inclusion between Alkhasayis and Almaghnii

Abstract in English

This study is based on the formulation of the concept of inclusion, which means the meaning of another word, and giving it its name. This is called the name because the meaning does not come explicitly to mention it, but rather to the other. The word becomes the meaning of two words, Arabic, and it is one of the most beautiful chapters in it; if you meditate on it, you know from it and with it what the letters of meanings have revealed to you, and it shows an advantage, you see the name or letter with an action. This formulation is based on the books of Alkhasayis of Ibn Jinni, and the Moghnii El-Labib on the books of the Aarib Ibn Hisham Al-Ansari. The contents of this study are based on two main methods: First, he understands what is alternating and rotating between the letters of the traction in Arabic; he knows exactly what this art has on its basis. The second is to understand the meanings of deeds when acts include the meanings of other acts as follows: - Include the necessary meaning of infringing. - Inclusion of the infringer. - Inclusion between transgressions.

References used

الإشبيلي، ابن عصفور، ضرائر الشِّعر. ط 1، تحقيق: إبراهيم محمَّد، دار الأندلس، بيروت، 1980 . ص 367
الأعشى الكبير، ديوان الأعشى الكبير (ميمون بن قيس). د.ط، شرح و تعليق: محمد حسين، مكتبة الآداب، . الإسكندرية، مصر، 1950 م. ص465.
