Strategic accounting and its role in marketing strategy to identify and apply Status: Syriatel Telecom cellular Syria study
published by Syrian Virtual University
in 2015
and research's language is
Abstract in English
This study aims to identify the strategic role of accounting in strategic marketing and application identification, as well as this study aims to shed light on the concept of each of Accounting. Strategy and marketing strategy and components, as well as to clarify the extent of the use of information provided by accounting reports in determining the appropriate marketing strategy through the use of strategic matrices.
References used
Cravens, D .W., & Pierey, N, F., (2006). Strategic Marketing. 8th ed . MaGraw, Hill 2006
Kotler, Philip," Marketing Management", 11th edition, reprinted by Person education, Inc, Upper Saddle River, NJ,2003
Prentice- Hall , Inc, International, 1999.Grant, J.H (1991). The Logic of Strategic Planning. Boston little,brow&company