The individual criminal responsibility of " ISIS" for the crime of deliberate destruction of cultural heritage in Syria and Iraq under international law
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2017
in Field Crops
and research's language is
Abstract in English
This research raises the question of the
possibility of prosecuting the members of the " ISIS" organization for
this crime, and what is the response of international law to it,
through studying the best possible ways. The study ended with a
set of results and proposals, the most important of which was the
establishment of a special international court to try individuals of
"ISIS" for the crime of intentional destruction of cultural heritage
under the name of "cultural cleansing".
References used
FRANCIONI,F and GORDLEY,J 2013- Enforcing International Cultural Heritage Law, Cultural Heritage Law And Policy, Oxford University Press, 1 edition, UK, 280p
BASSIOUNI,C 1983, Reflections On Criminal Jurisdiction In International Protection Of Cultural Property, Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce,Vol.10,No.2, pp281-322
ICTY, Strugar Case, No. IT-01-42, Trial Judgment, 31 January 2005