Style Structure in Modern Syrian Poetry: "Taf'eela Verse" as an Example

Abstract in English

The proposed study suggests that exploring style structure in the Taf'eela Verse (free verse) of modern Syrian poetry may be achieved through the manifestations and rich pictures that it encompasses. But these manifestations, pictures, and linguistic and artistic revelations must usher the way to the rest of the materialized structures which are interacting with it, on the one hand, and perhaps it overpasses them towards their distant implied spheres, on the other hand.

References used

الاتّجاه النّفسيّ في نقد الشّعر، عبد القادر فيدوح، 1993 م، الدار العالمية . للكتاب، المغرب، ط1.
الأسلوبية و تحليل الخطاب في النقد الحديث، نور الدين السدّ، دار هوقه، الجزائر، 2010 م.
