S.N Algorithm To Find Cycle Intersection Of Tow Projective Curves

Abstract in English

It may be difficult, often, finding the cycle intersection of two curves in the projective plane. Therefore, in our paper, we have mentioned a new mechanism to find it which was represented by S.N algorithm that works on writing this intersection as sum of simple cycle intersections which is easy to find. On the other hand, by this algorithm we mentioned a new and simplified proof of the known Bezout’s theorem.

References used

COX, D and LITTLE, J and OSHEA, D 2007 - Ideals, varieties, and algorithms . Springer, p551
COX, D and LITTLE, J and OSHEA, D 2005 - Using Algebraic Geometry . Springer, p572
FULTON, W 2008 - Algebraic curves .,an introduction to Algebraic Geometry , Springer, Third Preface, p121
