Paradox in the Conquest Poetry in Early Islam

Abstract in English

This study considers the meaning of this term from all perspectives: It is mature, dimensions, mechanisms and types because it is closely associated with poetry, and artistic experience, and with the existential comprehension related to the world matters as a whole, which depends on the principle of twin elements and their antagonistic relations. This style has appeared in the poetry of the Islamic conquests in early Islam.

References used

القالي, أبو علي اسماعيل بن القاسم البغدادي, الأمالي. دار الكتب العلمية, بيروت, لبنان.
ضيف, شوقي, 2002, العصر الإسلامي. ط20, دار المعارف, القاهرة, مصر.
