Studying Theory Resultant and some applications

Abstract in English

Theory Resultant are considered as one of the new mathematical tools that motivate the researchers in all mathematical domains.They use in solving many of mathematical problems.

References used

N. K. Bose, J. P. Guiver, (1985), Multidimensional Systems Theory: progress, directions, and open problems in multidimensional systems, ch.6, 184-232
M. Elkadi, B. Mourrain, (1998), Some Applications of Bezoutians in Effective Algebraic Geometry, inria-00073109, version 1
I. V. Kapalin and V. V. Fomichev( October 20, 2010 ) Properties of a Generalized Sylvester Matrix, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia
