Sporadic Cases Involving Number

Abstract in English

We live in the era of his trademark is the use of figures and numbers in each of the significant aspects of life on the launch, but there are always difficulties face many people when reading the number correctly and properly, where some of them resort to reading it colloquially, without being restricted by controls, and some others avoid the number as much as he, so he resorts to the language words that indicative of the number. For this, in this research, which we are dealing with, we are trying to shed light on some of the special issues of number, and the related rules and regulations and extensions, trying to focus on the points of difference; for weighting what we're saying more convincing and logical, as we are trying to differentiate between the figure and number, and said the simple numbers and numbers grades at each of the philosophy, mathematics, grammar and language scientists, to link these sciences together.

References used

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