Analytical Study of Investment In Syrian Industrial Cities Between 2006-2010

Abstract in English

This study aimed to identify the four industrial estates in the Syrian Arab Republic, And knowing the size of expenditure and income for these cities, in addition to the knowledge and the number of licensed projects executed in these cities. And distribution switches between different types of industries, as well as to study the correlation between the many variables of the study. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method. It has also been studying and analyzing the data using the program spss. After analysis of the data shows decline in the number of projects implemented, the lack of correlation between most of the variables of the study, the lack of a clear vision in the cities for the distribution of plots by investment type.

References used

سمير الصوص. المشاريع الصغيرة و المتوسطة في فلسطين، رام الله، 2004 ،ص3
الموسوي ، هاشم ، الجبوري ، توفيق . مقومات بيئة المدن الصناعية الجديدة في العراق. جامعة بغداد، 2010, ص 1-4.
