Summary Character for possession actions And its impact for determination the competent court

Abstract in English

Intended to jurisdiction court the authority to decide the case before it, i.e knowledge of the judicial body qualified to look at the conflicts in all their court, and the laws of jurisdiction are those laws that determine the state of the various courts, and during the consideration of possession claims it raised Confusion about what is the competent court to consider possession claims , it would be the jurisdiction of the Judge sitting in chambers to deal with matters of special urgency. In our research we came to the conclusion that in the absence of explicit text in Syrian law, It will be the judge of urgent matters to consider the cessation of new business cases and some cases of lawsuits to recover possession so as to achieve the element of urgency, And eliminate the jurisdiction of the subject to consider action for disturbance of possession, But quickly to ensure the rights of litigants.

References used

العقيلي، فتحي جابر . المختار من أحكام و مبادئ في القضاء المستعجل، د. ط، د. ن، القاهرة، 1999
المالكي، خالد . قاضي الأمور المستعجلة، د. ط، منشورات فرع نقابة المحامين، دمشق، 1979.
قانون أصول المحاكمات السوري.
