The Traces Of Allurqi In His explanation of Alljuzollia on The Author

Abstract in English

This research presents rebounds taken Abu Muhammad Allqasem Iben Almowafaq Allurqi Allmursi (661 hijira) in his explanation of Alljuzollia Introdudction is marked by (Almabaheth Alkamilia Shareh Almuqadima Aljuzolia) for its sorter Abi Musa Aljuzoli (607hijira) he is classified (the Al-Gozolia introduction at the grammar). This Introdudction took wide fame in the Maghreb in particular and adding the explanation despite being small in size prose text.

References used

المقرّب: لابن عصفور ( 669 ه ) تح: أحمد الجواري، و عبدالله الجبوريّ، ط 1, 1972م.
المفصّل في علمِ العربيّة: للزمخشريّ ( 538 ه ) دار الجيل، بيروت، ط 2، د.ت.
