Egyptian social groups in AL Mamluk age (648 AH_1250 AD / 923 AH_1517 AD)

Abstract in English

The "Mamalik" Estate has been a raised after the vanishing of the estate of "Bani Ayobe", Egypt in the "Mamalik" era has witnessed the coming of many different rates, and nationalities, which lead to a new social formula. This research, aims to illustrate the reality of this social formula and the groups it contained and to show the rule of each group in every side 0f political, economical and social life, and the exchanged influence with each other, throughout the writings some historians.

References used

حسين، حمدي عبد المنعم: (دراسات في تاريخ الأيوبيين و المماليك)، دار المعرفة الجامعية، مصر، 2000 م.
القلماوي، سهير: (ألف ليلة و ليلة)، القاهرة، 1943 م.
