Sport Education Faculty studients’ atitude towords coeducation in practical lectures

Abstract in English

The present study comes from the need of the faculty of Sport Education to apply coeducation among genders, especially in their practical lectures, and in order to know the students' attitudes towards this coeducation. This is a search that opens the door to debate the subject of coeducation between genders with both negative and positive aspects, and highlights the differences between both male and female students, and whether first and second year students (where coeducation is practically applied) have more positive attitude than third and fourth year ones. To support this purpose, a valid questionnaire was distributed on a sample consisted of 291 students from different years within the academic year 2015-2016. From all above, results show that the majority of students adopt a positive attitude towards coeducation between genders in their practical lectures. As no effect has appeared to the attitudes of variable-sex. Also, it show that there are no statistically significant differences between the trends of first and second year students with the third and fourth year ones towards this coeducation.

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