The governance and The effectiveness of the Board of Directors on addressing administrative and financial corruption: Restructuring of the Board of Directors in the public sector organizations in Syria
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2016
in Business Management
and research's language is
Abstract in English
This study aims to find out the reality of the application of corporate
governance in the public sector organizations in Syria, and to
propose a new vision, that guarantees effective application of
corporate governance, through restructuring board of directors and
contributes to the treatment of financial and administrative
The importance of the study comes from the importance of the
public sector in Syria and its leading role in the protecting the
national economy, and also the difficulty of development and
progress of NGOs unless they have clear mechanisms for their
directors and transparency.
OECD.2004 (Organization For Economic Co-Operation and Development), Principles of CorporateGovernance For this Arabic edition, Published by arrangement with .theOECD, Paris
SULLIVAN. J2003- "Introduction: Instituting Corporate Governance in Developing, Emerging and Transitional Economies", in Search for Good Directors, a Guide to Building Corporate Governance in the 21 Century, Center for International Private Enterprise, Washington