Petrographic and mineralogical study of ophioliteic complex rocks in ALKnaisat –Meftah AL Koumeh region and their ores(that at the west end of ALkaber AL Shimali river)

Abstract in English

In this work we studied the Syrian Ophiolite complex rocks. like (ultrabasic: Dunite ,Peridotite- Hartzbergate) and the sedimentary rocks like Radiolarite,that at the west end of ALKABER AL SHIMALI river, by collecting field samples and mapping of geological section. This study gave us a detailed Petrographic and metallic describe of rocks in the study area, in this study see the installation of rocks and multiple stages of transformation of metals ,and indicated the presence of iron and manganese oxides.

References used

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KAZMIN(V.G) 1962: Structure of the North-East Mediterranean and conditions of Origin of the ophiolite formation in the North-East and adjacent territories Thesis in Russian –Abstract In English: 18p. Doc. Biblo. Est. Geology Damas. Multigr
