Abstract in English

This research aims to investigate the relationship between the children maltreatment and exam anxiety. A sample of 240 students from basic ninth grade were measured by David Bernstein child maltreatment scale and Sepelberger exam anxiety Scale (prepared by Laila Abdel-Hafez), the two scale were judged then applied on a pilot sample in order to guarantee good validity, reliability, and suitability in the Syrian context.

References used

Allen, R. E., & Oliver, J, M. (1982). The effects of child male treatment on language development. Child Abuse and Neglect, 6, 299-305
Conway, E. E.(1998). Nonaccidental head injury in infants: The shaken baby syndrome revisited. Pediatric Annals, 27, 677-690
Ellis,A.& Grieger,R. Handbook of Rational – Enotiv Therapy,Springer Publishing Company,New York, 1977
