Effect of slope position on somephysico - chemical properties of a pine forest soil ,Tartous, Syria

Abstract in English

The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of slope position on some soil physico-chemical properties .The study was conducted on a pine forest soil , Tartous. Soil samples were collected from top , mid and bottom slope positions at horizon- A and C of top and mid slope positions and at horizon A,(B)and C of bottom slope positions . Results showed a significant difference among the physico-chemical properties of top , mid and bottom slope soils . Bulk density of the top - slope (1.34 gcm-3) was the highest followed by mid ( 1.31 gcm-3) and bottom slopes (1.27 g cm-3) .Conversely ,Organic matter content (2.86%) ,electrical conductivity EC(0.20mmos/cm) , calcium(28.3 meq/100g) , magnesium(6.80 meq/100g) , Potassium (0.21 meq/100g), Soil pH ( 7.95) , clay content (38.43 %) and silt content (34.70%) were the highest at bottom slope followed by mid and top- slopes , respectively . Soil A and C horizon of top and mid slope positions and A ,(B)and C horizons of bottom slope positions were also significantly different in their physical and chemical properties . Horizon A had the highest organic matter ,electrical conductivity , calcium , magnesium , silt contents and lower bulk density,CaCO3, sand contents than both the (B) and C horizons of bottom slope and the C horizon of top and mid slope .The deterioration in physico-chemical properties of top slope as compared to mid and bottom slopes and that of A horizon as compared to C horizons were presumed to be due to past soil erosion effect that removed the finer soil particles including soil organic matter and other plant nutrient.

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