Evaluating the inhibitory efficacy of the Lichen Evernia prunastri extracts against human pathogenic species of Aspergillus sp

Abstract in English

The research was carried out to evaluate the inhibitory efficacy of acetone, ethanol, and chloroform of Evernia prunastri lichen with concentrations of (25, 50, 75, 100) mg/ml. against three pathogenic species of Aspergillus sp. Which are: A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger . The efficacy varied among the four extracts, where both the acetonic and methanolic showed noticeable inhibitory efficacy against the fungal species under study. The efficacy increased of both extracts, at concentration (100) mg/ml growth of A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger was completely inhibited, whereas the inhibiton percentage for ethanol extract reached (87.05, 78.82, 94.11)%, respectively at the same concentration. As for the chloroform extract, it was the least effective, where the percentage at (100) mg/ml concentration reached (68.23, 74.11, 62.35) %, respectively, compared to the control. Depending on these results, the extracts lichen of Evernia prunastri could be used as natural products to treat fungal infections in the future.

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