Studying the Effect of Soil Erosion for Eight Different Systems with Different Slopes in the Coastal Area under Forests, Burned Forest and Planted Soil System

Abstract in English

The research was performed during the three years from 2011 in the coastal area “Lattakia and Tartous” The study of soil erosion has been traced in eight occasional sites in the coastal area, Gradient in its slope degree from 10% to 45% . the eight sites has also been studied under the three systems “Forests, burned forests , planted soil” The results shows, that the dangerous of the Water erosion in the coastal area soils especially in the slopes that is more than 15%, the drift reached scary figures that ranged between 32.5 ton/Hectares when the slope was 10%, and 165 ton/hectares when the slope was 45% in the agricultural system (Where the surface of the soil is semi-disgrace), These amounts ranged between 9 and 56.5 t / hectares/year in the burned forest system and between 1.4 and 15 t / hectares/year in the forest system. The runoff of rain water may range between 24 and 59.20 in the forest system versus 6.8 and 32.8 in the burned forest systems and, finally, between 2.9 and 16.8 in the forest system.

References used

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