Impact of dormancy breaking treatments on Germination of Lasura seeds (Cordia myxa Forsk)

Abstract in English

This study was carried out during 2014-2015 in two different nurseries located in University nursery (Lattakia governorate) and Salhab nursery (countryside of Hama governorate). Seeds were taken from two sites of Lattakia governorate (Mashqita– Bsnada) where Cordia myxa exists as exotic species in some coastal regions and three treatments in addition to control were examined .The results showed that there is an effect of scarification of seeds on investigated treatments and were significant differences in germination percentage in both sites which recorded 55% in university nursery and 35% in Al-Ghab nursery. While there were not contrast between the soaking in boiling and tap water treatments on the seed germination energy in Al-Ghab nursery. Scarification treatment gave higher value of germination energy 25% in Al-Ghab nursery and 21.66% in university nursery , while the same treatment decreased germination velocity compared to other treatments in university nursery which seed needed in average ( 8,01 day) whereas the same treatment increased germination velocity in Al-Ghab nursery which needed (1,54 day). Finally, regarding to cutting ,There is not observe to any positive influence to cuttings which treated in ABA hormone (1g/l) for (10,20,30 m). It could be deduced that there were changes in germination percentage, germination energy and germination velocity in two sites which appeared to be a Preliminary indication of impact of the some dormancy breaking treatments on investigated indications of Cordia myxa Forsk. species .

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