The synthetic choices of readings In Ibn Hajib’s Amali

Abstract in English

The research displays thesyntheticchoices/ semantic interpretations of readings of the Quran in which Ibn Hajib has attitude towards, and presents these instructions and the opinions expressed in the work, mentions his evidences and his explanations of the syntheticchoices and clarifies Ibn Hajib’s sockets on his formers, and his responses or weighting or approval to the views, and then the results which show Ibn Hajib’s approach in directing Quranic readings

References used

Contradiction of the virtues of human beings: Damietta, investigation: Anas Mhra, scientific bookstore, Beirut, 3, 2006
Mastery in the Sciences of the Qur'an: Suyuti, investigation: Mohamed Abu El Fadl Ibrahim, Egyptian General Book Authority, 1974
Fundamentals, Epistemological Study of Arab Thought: Tammam Hassan, World of Books, Cairo, Egypt, 2000
