The Role of Abdullah Ibn Ali in Establishing the Pillars of Abbasid State and His Destiny (died 147 H. 764 AD)

Abstract in English

Abdullah Ibn Ali is one of the most important figures who took part in the proclamation of the Abbasid Caliphate and its domination over all the surrounding areas, since he had outstanding political and military manipulation which enabled him to quell several rebellions, for his reputation preceded his entry into the rebelling areas and extinguished these revolts that feared his severe vengeance. In spite of all of these, emerged like the others, as a rebel against the Abbasid authority which he defended, represented by Caliph Al-Mansour, Abdullah ignited the Euphrates peninsula district with revolts, but he was eventually murdered in a salt house after given amnesty. Therefore, why did he have this destiny and this end?

References used

مجموعة من المؤلفين: المعجم الوسيط، القاهرة، د.، 1990 .
عطوان (حسين): الدعوة العباسية تاريخ و تطور، بيروت، دار الجيل، د.ت.
