Comprehensiveness of Public budget of State and Non-allotment of its revenues in the Syrian Legislation

Abstract in English

The Principle of Comprehensiveness of public budget of state and the Principle of Popularity of it, are considered the most important on which the public budget is based these days. And each principle has terms, justifications, exceptions and scope of applications. This study sheds light on the concept of the principle of comprehensives and the principle of popularity (Non – allotment of revenues) and the terms of it by showing its definitions, justifications, exceptions and scope of applications in the Syrian legislation. This study aims to answer on this question: is it preferred to keep on the principle of comprehensiveness of public budget or it is necessary to return to the rule of "net product" as was the case in the past? This study consists of introduction and two chapters, besides conclusion to present the most important results and suggestions.

References used

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(SHOBAT Y, 2010 – Public finance and financial legislation (public budget). Damascus University, part 2. Damascus, 680p. (In Arabic
(SHOBAT Y and AL-AKKAMM M.KH, 2007 – Public finance. Damascus University – Department of Legal Studies, Damascus, 649p. (In Arabic
