Electronic Company (Concept – Establishment)

Abstract in English

the technological development that we are witnessing in all sectors of life Led, which was a natural consequence of the revolution of information and what has caused a remarkable development in the sector of information and communication systems to the emergence of new terms did not never before encountered. Perhaps one of the most important of these terms, which rarely talk about it in legal terms is an electronic company the term subject of this research, which opted to be examined to determine the concept of electronic company and that a statement distinctive standard for that company, right down to their characteristics, and then searches of electronic founding of the company, which preceded the study of legal form taken by the company to reach the procedures established.

References used

Colin RULE, C 2002 - Online Dispute Resolution for Business, jossey-bass, Awiley Imprint, San Francisco, U.S
د. مكناس، جمال الدين، 2011 ، الشركات التجارية، الجامعة الافتراضية السورية، دمشق، سورية.
قانون الشركات السوري رقم ( 29 ) لعام 2011.
