evaluate the performance of the drilling bits used in well Saddad-1-

Abstract in English

The subject of this research is to evaluate the performance of the drilling bits used to reach the final depth of the well in regards to mechanical speed, (alpha) factor, the cost per meter and to recognize the bit that has the highest performance. Obtaining such important info is vital for the successful planning and running of the potential exploration and appraisal wells in Saddad area. The efficient planning of the drilling operations results in decreasing the total drilling time which reflects in turn on the significant decrease in the total drilling cost.

References used

Drilling Data Hand Book. 2004-International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)- Houston .USA.560p
John Gieck,1995, Drilling Engineers Workbook-A Distributed Learning Course ,Baker Hughes INTEQ Training & Development 2520 W.W. Thorne Houston, United States of America,410p
Dowell IDF Fluids Services2000 – Drilling Fluids- product data manual, Schlumberger ,560p
