The Description Scene of Camels and Desert in Muslim bn Alwaleed’s Poetry (208H)

Abstract in English

This research is a study of the poetic texts which describe the camels and desert with all its items and environment (place and time). The purpose is asserting the combination of the poetic traditions and modernization of the poet’s culture and civilized age. So, I clarified the poet’s level of ornamentation according to ancient critics and a number of others contemporary.

References used

HADDARA. M, 1981-1401H- Arabic Poetry Diretions in the 2nd Hijra Century. Islamic Office, Damascus- Beirut
ALBAHBITI. N. M, History of Arabic Poetry until the end of 3rd Hijri Century, Dar Alfikr Publishing, Alkhanji Library, D.N, 4th ed
JOMA. H. 1980- Animal in the Jahili Age, Dar Dania Publishing, Damascus, Beirut, 1st ed
