Solving the problem of multi collinearity in regression model

Abstract in English

In this research ,we studied the problem of multicollinearity among independent variables in the multiple regression model this matter leads to a mistake in one of the essential conditions of the multiple regression model and getting incorrect results. At the beginning we have introduced documented theoretical study of the kinds of the multicollinearity and of the reasons of the problem of the multiple regression model and some methods to discover them. In addition to this we mentioned some methods that treat the cases of multiple regression model then we introduced a new method to treat multicollineartiy and apply it to an example . In this method we have dealt with multicollinearity on the hand and solved the problem of discrepancy between the significant of the regression model and the non-significant of one or more coefficient.

References used

العبدالله، يوسف عصام الدين، تأثير القيم الشاذة على معلمات نموذج الانحدار . الخطي المتعدد- 2015.
بري، عدنان ماجد عبد الرحمن، تحليل الانحدار الخطي- جامعة الملك سعود
