Legal acts on electronic store

Abstract in English

An online store is the cornerstone of e-business. It is a set of elements that integrate with each other to conduct business online. It agrees with the traditional store in terms of the trader's goal of doing business. However, it raises the question of whether the online store as the traditional about multiple legal acts. This is what we will raise in this research. This is what we will raise in this research through two topics: The first topic: Selling of the online store and its renting . The second topic: Reservation of the online store and its mortgage .

References used

William S.Davis and John Benamati, E-Commerce Basics, Addison-Wesley, Cornell University, Newyork, 2003
Janice Reynolds, The Complete E-Commerce Book: designe, build and maintain a successful web, Puplished by CMP books, United States 0f America, 2004
Dr. Mohamed Tayseer Hattab, Rasha and Dr. Yousef Khasawneh, Maha, Application of the Legal System of the Commercial Store on the Commercial Website, Research published in Sharia and Law Magazine, Issue No. 46, United Arab Emirates .University, April, 2011
