LED lamps light intensity control dependent of outside light intensity using electronic board Arduino Uno

Abstract in English

The purpose of this research to control LED Lamps lightintensitydependent ofoutside light intensity using electronic board Arduino Uno. control LED lamps analog voltage achieved by pulse width modulation (PWM) digitally, studying LDR sensorspecification, designing light meter after founding the relationship between light dependent resistance and light intensity measured by Lux,constructing a program using Arduino IDE for microcontroller onArduino Uno that will maintain the desired light intensity selected. Testing finally all the circuits after it has been completed circuit design and data are collected. proving that it is possible to maintain the desired intensity of light and calculated the average power consumption taking into consideration heat loss of LED lamps for 12 hours for tow values of light intensities 200,300 lux with outside light intensity and heights 1m and 1.5 m.It found that when the outside light intensity increases thecurrent intensityis decreasing through LED lamps automatically and reduce power consumption. Thus, it can be concluded using this board that it conserves energy.

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