Messages of the Messenger (peace be upon him) to the king of the neighboring countries (( Najashi – Heraclius – Khosrau II))

Abstract in English

The messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) used different methods to spread this religion and to convey it to all people altogether. One of these methods (ways) is sending messages to kings and princes to make the invitationto Islam reach ( access to ) all parts of the world. Al-hudaibiya treaty ( reconciliation ) gave a chance ( an opportunity) to expand (widen ) the range of the invitation to Islam inside and outside of the Island of kings and the princes took place. No doubt , the massager of the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) to the kings of the neighboring countries are a practical expression of the internationality ( universality ) of the Islamic message.

References used

أسود (عبد الرزاق محمد):حياة الرسول المصطفى، دار المسيرة، بيروت، د.ت
الحكيم (توفيق) :محمد المطبعة النموذجية ،مصر ، 1926م .
أبو خليل (شوقي) : أطلس الحديث النبوي ، دار الفكر ، دمشق ،ط 4, 2005م.
