Finding out the suitable drilling fluid to drill Korashina Anhdrite formation in the central region`s wells

Abstract in English

"Korashina Anhdrite" formation in the Syrian Central Region's wells considered as covering for "Korashina Dolimite" formation which is a gas bearing reservoir, and consists of a succession of salt, clay, and Shale. Much of the problems faced during drilling this strata like (High over pull/drag values, high pumps pressure, drill string stuck), which led in some cases to stop the drilling operation, and thus an increase in the drilling time, resulting in high final cost for the completion of the well, salt saturated water based drilling mud used to drill this formation but it did not completely solve the problems. This research aims to find out drilling mud treated with some kinds of polymers and salts to be used to drill this formation with the least problems.

References used

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