Abstract in English

This research shows linguistic approach by Al Sameen Al Halabi (- A.H ) which he followed in his book ( Al dur Al masoon fi ouloom Al kitab Al maknon), which is considered an encyclopaedia in readings , parsing , and morphology regarding the Holy Qur'an . This research aims to show Al Sameen Al Halabi's way in introducing the language issues , and his manner in the discussion of citation of the sides which he sees them rightly .

References used

الأعلام, خير الدين الزركلي, بيروت , دار العلم للملايين, 2002م, ط15.
الأغاني, أبو الفرج الاصفهاني, تحقيق: سمير جابر و علي مهنا, بيروت, دار الفكر.
