A study of Effect of some Seed Bed Preparation Systems and Organic Fertilizer on Lentil Production

Abstract in English

Methodsof soils cultivating and organic fertilizer are considered as the most important operations that change the soil; and prepare it to receive multiplications units of the crops that we want to plant and to provide the suitable conditions for feeding the plant later, and to increase the production and to improve the quality along with keeping the various properties of the agriculture soil.

References used

ACSAD & GTZ,2009-A Pathway towards Sustainable Agriculture in Arab Countries, Conservation Agriculture Fact Sheet No.1. 260p
Alison F .E 1997-Soil Organic Matter and Its Role in Crop Produ. Elsevier, Newyork,227p
Brotse P.P.,2012- Kormofi bobi – Iviv :HBF , Ykraincki tekhnoloki . 144p
