The trends of the poetry in the Court state of the samanic

Abstract in English

This study hair poetry in the Court state of the samanic, in three directions: political trend, social trend, and the tendency conscientious objection and stands the study in the first direction on some of the important issues that relate to the arguments of political theories paid poets to take different views between the endorsement of the State of the samanic or its enmity of the poem and the trends in the Court state of the samanic The second trend concerns the destinations and social affairs paid to community cohesion or collapse by the Unit or the stampede, and outlines the reasons that prompted the poets to complaint and alienation in the third trend The Panel finds that the set of results, the most prominent of the expression of the writers of the Khorasan province in the third and fourth Hijri aspirations and hopes and emotions toward the building of a national aspirations, fear and anxiety of the unknown future because of the policies the rulers that govern the capricious stray from the path of goodness and justice.

References used

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التأثير الاجتماعي و السياسي في شعر القرن الرابع الهجري : إبراهيم سعد محمود قنديل ، منشور على الشبكة .
الأعلام : خير الدين الزركلي ، دار العلم للملايين بيروت ط 15 2002
