Evaluation of fertility and some of growth and bearing Characters for some introduced pear cultivars in Sweida governorate
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2016
and research's language is
Abstract in English
This investigation was conducted at the Pome and grapevine
Division in Sweida governorate in 2014-2015. Four introduced
pear cultivars (Anjou, Bartlett, Red Bartlett and Beurre Bosc) were
studied, through fruiting and growth organs, fertility, average of
fruit weight, and the yield at P< 0,05.
References used
ANTKOWIAK, W, ANDRZEJ, W, LUKASZ, W, and GRZEGORZ, I, 2013- Assessment of cross compatibility of pear (Pyrus communis l.) cultivars on the basis of pollen tube observations and analysis of the s-rnase gen, Acta agrobotanica, vol 66(2), 29–34
BESSHO, G, 2008- Trends in European Pear Production and Cultivar Choice in Japan, Acta Hort., vol 800, 349-352
CAMPBELL, J, 2002- European Pear Varieties. Orange Agricultural Institute, Orange, NSW, 1-22