Purpose poetic novel in Samani State

Abstract in English

The study addresses the poetic arts and developed in the Court state of the samanic One of the independent states of the Abbasid Caliphate in the land of Khorasan Province and behind the river in the third and Taken from Bukhara, capital, and to punish its ten princes of Matta Skina first Nasr bin Ahmad who ruled the year (261 E), speeches of king Abdullah bin Nouh who ruled until the year (389 E) The purpose of the arts poetry developed wine, writing flirting songs experienced, and felt admonitions corresponding and congratulate the wisdom felt proverbs, the arts started to take on the purposes of the poem and the basic Arabic and composition were notoriously unreliable cultural evolution of life substances at the beginning of the Abbasid Age have an important impact on the emergence of these art and stability.

References used

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