The factorial structure and the equivalence of the measurement of Tennesse Self Concept Scale (the edition of adults) - A study of two samples from Tishreen university by using the confirmative factorial analysis

Abstract in English

This research aimed at analyzing the factorial structure of Tennesse Standard of the self-concept (the edition of adults) after applying it on two samples from Tishreen university students (applied faculties- theoretical faculties).

References used

Barbara M, (2006) Structural Equation Modeling with EQS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Brown, R.(1998): Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, The Thirteen Mental Measurement Year Book, The Buros Institute of Mental Measurement, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Byrne , B & Campbell , T (1999).Cross- cultural comparison and the presumption of equivalent measurement and theoretical structure : A Look beneath the surface, Journal of Cross – Cultural Psycholog, 30 , 555-574
