(Poetry and Drama - A Theoretical Approach on Origins and Rooting)

Abstract in English

- Resrearch aim at defining the concept of Drama and its progress through ages in both Greek and Roman theatre and distinguishing between dramatic,tragic work and dramatic,affective work - it also aims at revealing the relationship which binds Drama and Poetry , and how Drama interfere with poetry - and it aims at differentiating between epic and dramatic poetry , and it observes the interacting movement of Drama into old Arabic Poetry and then into modern Arabic Poetry.

References used

سلن, مارتن, تشريح الدراما : تر: أسامة منزلجي, دار الشروق للنشر و التوزيع – القاهرة 1989 .
كارلسون, مارفن: نظريات المسرح , تر: وجدي زيد, ج 1 موقع كتب . عربية الإلكتروني, 1997
