Using video records in 3D modelling of large historical monuments

Abstract in English

This research aims to explore the potential of low cost video camera for 3D modelling of large historical monuments. As we know, photos extraction is a fundamental issue in any photogrammetric project. In fact, cost and time are dependent on photo extraction method. Usually, photos are taken one by one assuring that every object point is on two photos at least. This operation is time consuming in large scenes modelling. In the other hand, video record is a simple operation and requires short time comparing to traditional photo shooting. Then, it will be useful to suggest an approach to use video recordings as a source of photos required for 3D modelling. In the present study, we will evaluate the capability of two video cameras. The first one is a commercial independent camera and the second is associated with a mobile phone in the extraction of photos required for 3D modelling of a relatively large objects. It should be noted that the resolution of video frames in mobile phone cameras (comparing to professional ones) is less than the resolution of ordinary photos. Hence, 3D models resulting using these frames will be good for applications that don’t require high precision.

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