The influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn Zydoun's Literature

Abstract in English

This research reveals the influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .It spotlights the most important texts that were in fluenced by the Holy Koran .For the Holy Koran is a rich material in Ibn_ Zydoun,s literature.It over whelmed an artistic and aesthetic splendor through the details and the new structural technics,which have been added by the influence of the Holy Koran in his prose and poetry as well.

References used

القرآن الكريم
البوطي ، د. محمد سعيد رمضاف ، 1977 ، كبرى اليقينيٌات الكونية . دار الفكر ، بيروت .
ابن جني ، أبو الفتح عثمان الموصلي ، 1952 ،الخصائص . ج 1 ، مطبعة دار الكتب المصرية ، القاهرة.
