Abstract in English

The public moral person has the right to litigate just like the natural person who has been given that right by legislator. The Syrian legislator said that natural person and moral person must practice must practice that right by their prosecutor. The legislator at the unit time between Egypt and Syria has created a new way for the public moral person to practice its right, created the government administration issues by the law number /58/ year /1959/. After the separation, the Syrian legislator issued a law created the state administration issues, make it follow the ministry of justice and give it the moral personality partially. This administration takes the task of defending public moral persons interests by legal staff contains group of state attorneys study all the cases for the public moral person wither they were plaintiff or defendant. They present defenses, briefs, contests, in all cases until they reach the final judgment . Also legislator made an exception and allow the public moral person in rare cases to practice its right to litigate by an private attorney.

References used

د. الحسيني, محمد أديب, 2010, الخصومة و التمثيل في القضايا المدنية و الإيجارية, بلا دار للنشر, دمشق.
العطري, ممدوح, 1982, القواعدالعملية لقانون أصول المحاكمات المدنية, الجزء الاول, الطبعة الثانية, بلا دار للنشر, دمشق.
