Modern International Changes and Their Impact on Sovereignty of States

Abstract in English

The research focuses on clarifying the relationship between the biggest international contemporary changes، which comes at its first place how cold war changed “Bipolar System” to “Unipolar System” which makes the USA at its top، then comes the globalization and its various dimensions and effects on states’ sovereignty considering it as one of the results of the new international system which aims to give the USA a dominancy on the world especially the Arab World. So the political globalization aims to remove the concept of national sovereignty and also to an unlimited world، in addition to the protection of humanitarian intervention signs and minorities rights as a justification tool، authorizing the intervention in the internal affairs of states and enforcing regional projects.

References used

ROSENAU J-1992- The United Nations In A Turbulent World. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Colorado, P88
أمين، جلال، 1998 العولمة. ط 1، دار الشروق، القاهرة، ص237.
