Flood Mapping of Northern Alkabir River Basin Due to Proposed Failure of 16 Tishreen Dam

Abstract in English

Thousands of dams have been built around the world, but, the date of construction is associated with a history of failures and collapse, due to the high water levels, generating higher returns consequences disastrous for the environment and society, when dam fails released very large amounts of water threatened the lives of persons and property, it returns to the short time available for warning and evacuation. This paper provides an overview of the most important reasons for the collapse, with a study about possibility failure product from supposed breach in 16 Tishreen dam, caused by the flow of water over the top, where the predicted of breach that leading to collapse is done and determine its characteristics, namely: High, width, time required to development of the breach, the maximum flow out of it, and also generate flood maps that represent the limits of the spread of flood wave downstream, in addition tosuggest a simplified plan for the evacuation Results led to the flooded wave caused by the collapsehurtling loaded adischargeabout 54631 , causes a wall of water with 17 meters high moves through the downstream river with 14 m/sec speed, the wave spreadover 45.24 ,causing submerge for 7 villages the most important of it Stkhers and Rodo which are completely submerged, and 30 economical facility the most important of it industrial area that also completely submerged, the water depths ranged from 2 to 17 meter, which causing heavy casualtiesand damage about 30000 people, and more than 7000peopleare expected to die, unless the actual preparations of emergency plan.

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