Effect of Sustainable Buildings on Ecological Development "Comparative Studies from Syria and Germany"

Abstract in English

The research paper is focussed on an important topic for architects and urban planners dealing with sustainable urban environment and architecture. The focus of the research is laid on comparative studies of two German examples: The Federal Institution of Environment „Umweltbundesamt“ in Dessau and the Eco-Settlement (Kronsberg) in Hannover.

References used

AGYMAN, J. BULLARD, R, EVANS,B.(ed.) ., 2008- Just Sustainability , Development in an Unequal World, London 253p
BUNDESMINISTERUIM, (Hrsg.)- 1996Verstädterungsprozess und Nachhaltigkeit, Habitat II, Bonn, 335 p
BMfRBS (Hrsg.)., 1996) -Siedlungsentwicklung und Siedlungspolitik, Nationalbericht Deutschland zur Konferenz Habitat II, Bonn 298 p
