Byzantine-German relations in the light of the Second Crusade

Abstract in English

The German Byzantine relations between 1137-1146 were alliance relationships against Roger II King of Sicily, because in the increasing of the influence of Roger II in Italy the influence of German and Byzantine empires was diminished, also the Byzantine Emperor John Komenan saw in the ambitions of Roger II a direct threat to the interests of Byzantium in the East and the West.

References used

Chalandon F., : “ The later Comneni “ , in Camb. Med. Hist., vol.4, (Cambridge, 1927), P 367
Louis and smith (J.R.): The Crusades Idea and Reality (1095-1274), (London , 1981), P . 57
Balzani (U.G.O.) :“Italy,1125-1152”,in Camb .Med. Hist., Vol. V., (London 1980, P. 374
