Abstract in English

This essay is one of the most important political issues in the Abbasid history, it is a try to discuss problem of rule matter and its subsidiaries in the first Abbasid Era that is from 132-232 AH. / 750- 847 AD. to focus on the details of these matters and differentiations that reaches on the most cases to the rule sword among individuals of the one home , in addition to show the role of Abbasid Royal Court Conspiracies and their spies in creating the fire of these differentiations and put the struggle seeds and new fighting points for struggle that it takes sometimes national dimensions between Arab and Persia.

References used

بيطار، (أمينة): تاريخ العصر العباسي ، منشورات جامعة دمشق، 1997 م
حسن، (نبيمة): تاريخ الدولة العباسية، دار المعرفة الجامعية، الإسكندرية، 1993 م
نخبة من الباحثين: الرقة درة الفرات ،مراجعة سهيل زكار، 1992 م
